关于「 seeding」的内容列表

Conab: Brazilian Soybean Planting Progress Data

According to CONAB, a national commodity supply company under the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, the sowing rate of Brazilian soybeans was 66.1% as of November 10, compared with 53.29% last week and 57.3% in the same period last year.

2024-11-12 07:09:26
ETHFI DAO Releases "Increase Repurchase and LP Seeding Allocation" Proposal Vote

The ETHFI DAO has released a vote on a proposal to "Increase Repo and LPSeeding Allocations". The proposal aims to increase the monthly repurchase rate of ETHFI tokens to 25% from the current maximum of 5%. In addition, it also seeks to provide liquidity through ArrakisFinance. The proposal is an update to the previously approved proposal "ETHFI Repo and Liquidity Pool Seeding2".

2024-08-09 12:31:57
ETHFI DAO 发布"增加回购和 LP Seeding 分配"提案投票

ETHFI DAO发布"增加回购和LPSeeding分配"提案投票。该提案旨在将ETHFI代币的每月回购率从目前的最高5%提高到25%。此外,其还寻求通过ArrakisFinance提供流动性。该提案是对之前批准的提案“ETHFI回购和流动性池Seeding2”的更新。

2024-08-09 12:31:57